Your name is your identity. Leverage it to the max with personalized email for you, your family, friends or associations.

Never again be forced to change your email address because you changed ISP's or your ISP changes it for you. With DomainMail you control your on-line identity. DomainMail allows you to send and receive ad-free messages using Mailboxes can be accessed securely from any computer, any place in the world.
Enterprise Email costs from as little $2 per month for 1 mailboxes and every additional mailbox at $2 per month for full SMTP/IMAP/POP3/WebMail mailboxes and an unprecedented UNLIMITED storage space, with all the features below. And with the choice of many packages, you can do no wrong with HomepageUniverse.
DomainMail Features
- Fully Personalised email addresses
- You choose the domain name
- Send/Receive your email using any email software such as Microsoft Outlook
- 100% advertising free - No ads will be displayed in your emails
- Send/Receive mail anytime, anywhere via your own Webmail access
- UNLIMITED data storage for every single mailbox
- Full POP3, IMAP, HTTPMail & SMTP access
- Free Technical Support, No Minimum Contract
- Redirection, Mail aliases, Mail groups, forgery protection
- Spam and Virus protection for all your emails
- Full Autoresponders and attachments capability
- 30 Day Money Back Gaurantee
See Detailed Features »
Why Choose DomainMail?
 Makes you memorable
Every e-mail you send comes from, not an e-mail service like Yahoo or Hotmail - and it even comes ad free. It can also be set up so your customers can send e-mail to specific departments, like
 Keeps things running
Our email service has all the features you need - it works with most e-mail software, like Microsoft® Outlook and Outlook® Express, and protects you from viruses and unwanted e-mail.
 Allows access from anywhere
You can access your e-mail from any Web browser, anytime - so you're never out of touch with your email or your customers. Plus, our Web-based interface gives you an address book, e-mail forwarding, autoresponders, mail groups and more, so you can keep working from anywhere.
 An address to keep forever
Your email address is yours to keep because our email works with any Internet Service Provider. That means, even if you change Internet Service Providers, you don't have to change your e-mail address.